Motto: “My Grace is sufficient for you.”(2 Cor.12:9)
The sublime submission to Christ’s servant-leadership, with the assurance of God’s grace will help overcome the human frailty. It is through grace that God transforms our hearts and lives, sanctifies and sets us aside for His purposes. God’s grace empowers us to service, by working in us and through us, making us blessed and steering us to be a blessing. Grace-filled living is savouring the gifts of grace and spreading the gospel of grace to the ends of the world.
The dove demonstrates God’s love, power, presence and it is the Holy Spirit manifesting itself with infinite reassurance.
The seven flames symbolise the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The flames serve as a reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit and its grace that guides our thoughts, words and deeds.
The Holy Bible -the living word of God is the Daily Bread that enriches us to tread the transformative track. The open leaf of the Bible is the word on fire, the luminosity of the furnace that purifies our hearts. It is the lamp that shows the way as we become the apostles of Good News to be spread to the ends of the world in an attempt to erase every trace of desperation and hopelessness.
The hands clasped in prayer epitomise the beauty of devotion and faith in God-an image of impeccable reverence.
The crown marks the authority of God and the authenticity of discipleship, stamped on a token that stands the test of time, to be passed on, eternally. It is accepted with boundless humility as a reminder of Christ’s kingship and reflects the solemnity and sanctity of the Bishop’s role in the Church and in the community.
The stole takes after the robe of Christ and maps the priestly duties in imparting the divine grace of God to the world.