- The quiz will commence on Oct 7th Saturday at 10:00 am (Melbourne time – AEST).
- Its a 60 minutes online Quiz with 100 questions.
- Each right answer will score you 1 point, total – 100 points.
- All questions are multiple-choice and mandatory.
- Quiz medium – Malayalam.
- There will be few questions at the opening window of the quiz asking your name and contact details, Please print them correctly as it will appear on the certificate.
- A timer will be displayed as soon as the first question appears on your window.
- All the answers can be reviewed at the end of the quiz before final submission, however, there is an option tobookmark answers for review which will enable us to display doubtful answers straight after the last question before the final submission is made.
- A full report including all the answers and marks achieved will be displayed on your window instantly after the final submission.
- A certificate will also be displayed (only if passed) which can be downloaded. A minimum of 33% marks is required to pass the quiz.
Demo quiz link- https://www.flexiquiz.com/SC/N/logosquizaustralia2023demo

- After selecting your answer from the options a blue dot will appear on your selection, participants can move from one question to another by clicking on the NEXT button.

- In case you need to refer back to any question an option is available to scroll between questions by clicking the button displaying page no at the bottom.

- A timer will be displayed as soon as the first question appears on your window.
- All the answers can be reviewed at the end of the quiz before final submission, however, there is an option to bookmark answers for review which will enable us to display doubtful answers straight after the last question before the final submission is made.

- A full report including all the answers and marks achieved will be displayed on your window instantly, once you make the final submission. You will be able to download the answer sheet for your own reference. Dept. Of catechesis will not be emailing answers sheets to any participants.
- Even if you are unable to submit on time, Quiz will automatically submit itself once the time limit ends.
- A minimum of 33% marks is required to pass the quiz. A certificate will also be displayed (only if passed) which can be downloaded.
- Please print the certificate from Office works on a 200 gsm paper.

Please refresh the quiz page at 10 am on Oct 7th to access the registration page!!!
The quiz will commence on Oct 7th Saturday at 10:00 am (Melbourne time – AEST)
09:00 am Brisbane time – AEST
10:00 am Sydney time – AEDT
10:00 am Hobart time – AEDT
08:30 am Darwin time – ACST
09:30 am Adelaide time – ACDT
07:00 am Perth time – AWST
12 Noon New Zealand- NZDT
Contact us
Please contact us at logosquizaustralia@
Or on 0469801739 for any urgent queries.